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“A Feminine View on Religious Intolerance: The New Christian Women of Rio de Janeiro and the Inquisition (Eighteenth Century)”

Apellidos y Nombre del Autor: 
Gorenstein, Lina
“A Feminine View on Religious Intolerance: The New Christian Women of Rio de Janeiro and the Inquisition (Eighteenth Century)”
Datos bibliográficos: 
en Proceedings of the Thirteenth British Conference on Judeo-Spanish Studies, 7-9 september 2003, Hilary Pomeroy (ed.), London, Department of Hispanic Studies Queen Mary, University of London, 2006, pp. 15-26
Resumen de contenido: 

Sobre un proceso inquisitorial contra una conversa de Río de Janeiro.

  • historia, History, sefardíes en América, Sephardic Jews in America, diáspora, diaspora, emigración, emigration,mujeres, women, conversos, converted Jews, criptojudíos, crypto-Jews, sefardíes occidentales, Western Sephardim, Inquisición, Inquisition.