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“Young Lovers and Old Maids: Some Observations on Age in the romance”

Apellidos y Nombre del Autor: 
Sleeman, Margaret
“Young Lovers and Old Maids: Some Observations on Age in the romance”
Datos bibliográficos: 
en Proceedings of the Fourteenth British Conference on Judeo-Spanish Studies, 26-28 June 2006, Pomeroy, Hilary, Christopher J. Pountain y Elena Romero (eds.), London, Department of Hispanic Studies Queen Mary, University of London, 2008, pp. 223-237
Resumen de contenido: 

Analiza algunos temas amorosos en el romancero sefardí.

  • literatura, literature,literatura oral, oral literature, literatura tradicional, traditional literature,  oralidad, orality,poesía oral, oral poetry, poesía tradicional, traditional poetry,romancero, balladry,  baladas, ballads.