Proceedings of the Tenth British Conference on Judeo-Spanish Studies, 29 June – 1 July 1997
Apellidos y Nombre del Autor:
Benaim, Annette (ed.)
Proceedings of the Tenth British Conference on Judeo-Spanish Studies, 29 June – 1 July 1997
Datos bibliográficos:
London, Department of Hispanic Studies Queen Mary and Westfield College, 1999
Resumen de contenido:
Libro colectivo que contiene artículos de los siguientes autores:
Benaim, Annette, Preface
Pomeroy, Hilary, Foreword
Armistead, Samuel G., Near Eastern and Balkan Elements in Sephardic Oral Literature (First Cynthia M. Crews Lecture)
Hassán, Iacob M., El estado constructo hebreo en una copla sefardí de libre creación
Koen-Sarano, Matilda, Experiensas I konkluziones en el kampo de la ensenyansa de la lingua I la kultura djudeo-espanyola
Minervini, Laura, The Formation of the Judeo-Spanish Koiné: Dialect Convergence in the Sixteenth Century
Sephiha, Haïm-Vidal, Le Judéo-espagnol de Sarajevo: Clarisse Nicoïdski, née Abinun, conteuse et poétesse judéo-espagnole
Shaul, Moshe, Kreasion leksikala en la Emision Djudeo-espanyola de Kol Israel
Edwards, John, Ritual Murder in the Siglo de Oro: Lope de Vega’s El niño inocente de La Guardia
Lappin, Anthony, The Function and Meanings of the Jew’s Goat as a Dramatic Symbol in Gil Vicente’s Auto da Barca do Inferno
Alpert, Michael, A Marrano Pesach
Arbell, Mordechai, The Settlement of the Spanish-Portuguese Jews of the Caribbean in
the Liberated Spanish Colonies in Latin America
Gini de Barnatán, Matilde, Algunas notas sobre criptojudíos portugueses en el Río de la Plata
Hook, David, An Annotated Inquisition Manual in the Bodleian Library, Oxford
Kerem, Yitzchak, The Dual Portuguese Attitude to Sephardic jewry throughout History: Disdain and Acceptance
Rother, Bernd, Portuguese and Spanish Reactions to the Holocaust
Abravanel, Nicole, Zicareo o los juegos de la Memoria en la obra de Samuel Usque
Bennett, Sandy, Alexandre Benguiat and the Jewish Press
Díaz-Mas, Paloma, El proyecto de edición de las coplas sefardíes de Las hazañas de José
Varol, Marie-Christine, Raíces medievales de los proverbios judeo-españoles
Pomeroy, Hilary, The Case of Raquel lastimosa: Guilty or Not Guilty?
Salama, Messod, The Judeo-Spanish Ballad Tradition in the United States: The Preservation and Decline of a Precious Legacy
Refael, Shmuel, Etnografía de la cultura judeoespañola: una exposición sobre la vida judía en Salónica
Roden, Claudia, Culinary Legacies from Spain and Portugal in the Jewish World: Iberian Echoes in Jewish Cooking Today, Jewish Echoes in Spanish Cooking
Cohen, Judith R., ‘Belmonte dos meus amores’: Ethnomusicological Fieldwork in Iberian Crypto-Jewish Regions
Seroussi, Edwin, The Liturgical Music of the Sephardi Jews: East and West