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“The Sephardic Legacy in the Southwest: The Crypto-Jews of New Mexico (Historical Research Project Sponsored by the Latin American Institute, University of New Mexico)"

Apellidos y Nombre del Autor: 
Hordes, Stanley M.
“The Sephardic Legacy in the Southwest: The Crypto-Jews of New Mexico (Historical Research Project Sponsored by the Latin American Institute, University of New Mexico)"
Datos bibliográficos: 
Jewish Folklore and Ethnography Review 15 (1993), pp. 137-138.
Resumen de contenido: 

Sobre las comunidades criptojudías de Nuevo México, que se consideran descendientes de conversos judaizantes hispanoportugueses.

  • sefardíes en América, Sephardic Jews in America, Estados Unidos, United States, Nuevo México, diáspora, diaspora, emigración, emigration, cultura sefardí, Sefardic culture, identidad, identity, conversos, converted Jews, criptojudíos, crypto-Jews