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  • Cohen García-Juez, María Ángeles (Cohen, Angy) Recordar, resistir, apostar: conversaciones con judíos hispano-marroquíes en Israel y Argentina Tesis doctoral, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2017 Ver
  • Cohen, Dov "Le processus d'occidentalisation de la communauté juive de Casablanca (1890-1940)" en : Les relations intercommunautaires juives en la Méditerránée Occidentale XIIIe-XXe siècles. Actes du Colloque International de l'Institut d'Histoire des Pays d'Outre-Mer..., París, CNRS, 1984, pp. 141-153. Ver
  • Cohen, Dov “Hebrew Printing in Izmir” Kiryat Sefer 64:4 (1992-1993), pp. 1403-1423. Ver
  • Cohen, Dov "A influencia dos Sefarditas no Império Otomano" Estudos Judaicos (novembre 2002 = Os judeoes nas terras do Islao), pp. 50-53. Ver
  • Cohen, Dov “La Bibliografía Djenerala del Ladino” Ladinar IV (2006), pp. 189-196. Ver
  • Cohen, Dov "Kuatroshentos anyos de publikasiones en ladino en Italia" en Il Giude-Spagnolo (Ladino). Cultura e tradizione sefardita tra presente, passato e futuro... Atti del Convegno... Livorno, 6-7 Novembre 2005, Livorno, Salomone Belforte, 2007 Ver
  • Cohen, Dov “Traduksiones del grego al djudeo-espaniol, publikadas en Salonika” en Rena Molho, ed., Judeo Espagnol: Social and cultural life in Salonika through judeo-Spanish Texts, Thessaloniki, Ets Ahaim Foundation, 2008, pp. 161-166 Ver
  • Cohen, Dov "Remnants of Lost Ladino Books" Genizah Fragments. The Newsletter of th Taylor-Schechter Genizah Research Unit, Cambridge University Library, 58 (octubre 2009), p. 2. Ver
  • Cohen, Dov "Un 'bien conocido negociante i luchador comunal': Muevas notisias sovre Rafael Uziel (1816-1881), precursor de la prensa en djudeoespaniol" en Sánchez, Rosa y Marie-Christine Bornes Varol (eds.), La presse judéo espagnole, support et vecteur de la modernité, Istanbul, Libra Kitap, 2013, pp. 231-254 Ver
  • Cohen, Dov "Who is the Author of the Ladino Shulhan ha-Panim (Salonica 1568)?" Hispania Judaica 11 (2015), pp. 33-61 Ver
  • Cohen, Dov "Uma aproximação à atividade literária do Capitão Barros Basto" Cadernos de Estudos Sefarditas 18 (1er semestre 2018), pp. 61-98 Ver
  • Cohen, Dov "Novedades bibliográficas en el estudio de las ediciones de biblias sefardíes (siglo xvi)" Sefarad 79 (2019), pp. 199-224 Ver
  • Cohen, Dov "Sources, Etymology and Usage of the Term Soletreo, the Cursive Form of Sephardic Writing" Massorot 19-20 (2019), pp. 49-68 Ver
  • Cohen, Dov Thesaurus of the Ladino Book (1490-1960). An Annotated Bibliography Jerusalén, Ben Zvi Institute-Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi-Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2021 Ver
  • Cohen, Esther “El rol de la mujer judía en la transmisión de la cultura sefardí, siglos XVI y XVII” en Jewish Studies at the Turn of the 20th Century, Judith Targarona y Ángel Saez-Badillos (eds.), Leiden-Boston-Colonia, Brill, 1999, vol. II, pp. 491-497. Ver
  • Cohen, Esther “La función del judeoespañol en el desarrollo de la cultura sefardí” Sefárdica 16 (2006), pp. 27-36 Ver
  • Cohen, Hayyim J. The Jews of the Middle East 1860-1972 Jerusalén, Israel Universities Press, 1973. Ver
  • Cohen, Judith "'Just Harmonizing in Their Own Way': Change and Reaction in Judeo-Spanish Song" Revista de Musicología 1613 (1995), pp. 1578-1596. Ver
  • Cohen, Judith "A Reluctant Woman Pilgrim and a Green Bird: A Possible Cantiga Melody Survival in a Sephardic Ballad" Cantigueiros V (1995), pp. 85-89. Ver
  • Cohen, Judith "Romancing the Romance: Perceptions (and Boundaries) of the Judeo-Spanish Ballad" en Ballads and Boundaries: Narrative Singing in an Intercultural Context, ed. James Porter, Los Angeles, University of California, 1995, pp. 209-216. Ver
  • Cohen, Judith "Evolving Roles of Women in Judeo-Spanish Song" en Michel Abitbol, Yom-Tob Assis y Galit Hasan-Rokem, eds., Hispano-Jewish Civilization after 1491 (Fourth International Congress for Research on the Sephardi and Oriental Jewish Heritage), Jerusalem, Misgav Yerushalayim, 1997, pp. 81-100. Ver
  • Cohen, Judith R. “ ‘Ya salió de la mar’: Judeo-Spanish Wedding Songs among Moroccan Jews in Canada” en Women and Music in Cross-Cultural Perspective, Ellen Koskoff (ed.), Westport, Connecticut, Greenwood Press, 1987, pp. 55-67. Ver
  • Cohen, Judith R. Judeo-Spanish Songs in the Sephardic Communities of Montreal and Toronto: Survival, Function and Change Tesis doctoral, Montréal, Université de Montréal, 1988. Ver
  • Cohen, Judith R. The Music of the Songs: Musical Transcriptions and Commentary of the Songs Discussed by Oro Anahory-Librowicz in 'Expressive Modes in the Jude-Spanish Wedding Song" en New Horizons in Sephardic Studies, Albany, State University of New York Press, 1993, pp. 297-304. Ver
  • Cohen, Judith R. "Women's Roles in Judeo-Spanish Song Traditions" en Active Voices: Women in Jewish Culture, ed. Maurie Sacks, Urbana (Chicago), University of Illinois Press, 1995, pp. 182-200. Ver
  • Cohen, Judith R. "'Pero la voz es muy educada': Reactions to Evolving Styles in Judeo-Spanish Songs Performance" en Hommage à Haïm Vidal Sephiha, Winfried Busse y Marie-Christine Varol-Bornes (eds.), Berna-Berlín-Francfurt-Nueva York-París-Viena, Peter Lang, 1996, pp. 65-82. Ver
  • Cohen, Judith R. “Back to the Future: New Traditions in Judeo-Spanish Song” en From Iberia to Diaspora. Studies in Sephardic History and Culture, Yedida K. Stillman y Norman A. Stillman (eds.), Leiden-Boston-Colonia, Brill, 1999, pp. 496-514. Ver
  • Cohen, Judith R. “Music and the Re/Construction of 20th Century Iberian Crypto-Jewish Identity” Jewish Studies at the Turn of the 20th Century, Judit Targarona y Ángel Sáez-Badillos (eds.), Leiden-Boston-Colonia, Brill, 1999, vol. II, pp. 282-292. Ver
