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  • Kenbib, Mohammed “Les relations judéo-musulmanes au Maroc aux XIX-XXèmes siècles. Aspects socio-économiques et culturels” en Os judeus sefarditas entre Portugal, Espanha e Marrocos, Carmen Ballesteros y Mery Ruah (coord.), Lisboa, Associaçao Portuguesa de Estudos Judaicos, CIDEHUS-UE, Colibri, 2004, pp. 159-170 Ver
  • Kerem, Yitzchak "The influence of European modernizing forces on the development of the Judeo-Spanish press in the 19th century in Salonika" en Hommage à Haïm Vidal Sephiha, W. Busse y M. C. Varol-Bornes (eds.), Berna, Peter Lang, 1996, pp. 581-593. Ver
  • Kerem, Yitzchak “Salonika: the Cultural Capital of post-expulsion Sephardic Jewry; Language, Music, Literature, and Theater” Judeo Espaniol: The evolution of a culture, Gatenio, Rafael (ed.), Thessaloniki, Ets Ahaim Foundation, 1999, pp. 103-110. Ver
  • Kerem, Yitzchak “The Dual Portuguese Attitude to Sephardic jewry throughout History: Disdain and Acceptance” en Proceedings of the Tenth British Conference on Judeo-Spanish Studies, 29 June – 1 July 1997, Benaim, Annette (ed.), London, Department of Hispanic Studies Queen Mary and Westfield College, 1999, pp. 145-158 Ver
  • Kerem, Yitzchak “The Europeanization of the Sephardic Community of Salonika” From Iberia to Diaspora. Studies in Sephardic History and Culture, ed. Yedida K. Stillman y Norman A. Stillman, Leiden-Boston-Colonia, Brill, 1999, pp. 58-74. Ver
  • Kerem, Yitzchak "The development of the Judeo-Spanish press in Salonika 1864-1941. A vehicle for modernization and enhanced Sephardic identity" Neue Romania 28 (2003)(=Judenspanisch VII), pp. 155-167 Ver
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